1. What is an e-return? The return filed electronically on the website of the Sales Tax Department www.mahavat.gov.in
2. Which return form is to be used for e-return?
New return forms Form 231, 232, 233, 234, 235 & CST Form III (E) are to be used.
3. Where are these forms available?
These forms are available as templates on the website of the Department. The dealers are requiredto download the relevant forms after obtaining registration from the site.
4. What is the procedure to obtain online registration?
On line Registration for filing of e- return :
You have to take following steps
- Dealer can file e_return only after getting registered through �New user registration� utility available on web site of department of sales tax http://www.mahavat.gov.in
- After selecting above utility , a screen will be displayed wherein dealers have to Click on " Dealer Registration " link
- Thereafter, a screen will be displayed wherein dealers have to enter TIN No & PAN number and press Submit button.
- After authentication of above information , a new screen will be displayed wherein basic information should be entered.
- Thereafter another screen will be displayed , wherein fields of pet name & place of birth have been incorporated to enable the department to ask the secret question in the event the user forgets his password. Dealer should enter these fields .
- In the same screen dealer should enter the password of his choice which should be used at the time of login for e-filing utility.
In case of any difficulty in user registration please contact ,
a. The In Charge Officer from LTU Branch of Department, in case the dealeris monitored by LTU branch
b. In other Cases authority in charge of return branch under whose jurisdictionplace of business of dealer falls
c. Contact on Tel. number given below in help desk 022 - 23735601
d. Send mail on e-Mail id mention below in help deskeReturns@mahavat.gov.in
5. How to download the Return template forms?
The following procedure to be adopted -
- The template of e_return is prepared in MS Excel and freely available on web site. http://www.mahavat.gov.in
- Presently templates of Form 231, 232, 233, 234, 235 and CST return Form are available
- The return templates have inbuilt validation utility in MS Excel as well as Visual Basic to check the self consistency of data entered.
- The templates downloaded from the web site shall be used by dealer as these templates will be uploaded and accepted on web site .
- This template can be used for off line preparation of return. .
- Downloads -> Forms -> E-Return Forms -> Electronic Forms or
- Simply follow the URL http://www.mahavat.gov.in/eforms_xls.htmlmov.in/eforms_xls.html
6. How to prepare the return?
The following procedure to be adopted -
- Dealers shall take precaution to use MS Excel in MS Office for preparation and validation of return
- Macro security level setting:- Dealer should keep macro security level �medium� or �low� in � tools �menu on Manu Bar. This will activate the Visual Basic Validation utility in template of return form.
- After setting the macro security level, the templates should be closed after saving. Thereafter again the same template should be reopened for the purpose of entering the information.
- The return templates have inbuilt validation utility in MS Excel as well as Visual Basic. There are two sheets in the return template. First sheet provides for entering of data whereas on second sheet error are displayed along with detailed error messages.
- After entering the data , dealers must validate the data by pressing �validate� button which at the bottom of the first sheet. After validation errors are displayed on Error Sheet.
- Dealer must ensure that the data entered is error free and not a single error message is displayed on error sheet and information entered in such template should be saved. E_ Return filing utility will accept only validated and error free returns .
- Down loadable templates 231, 232, 233, 234 , 235 and CST return Forms made available.
7. How to upload the e-return?
The following procedure to be adopted -
- Facility of uploading of electronic return is restricted to authorized dealers only . These are the dealers who are successfully registered from �New user registration utility� on the Sales tax Department web site URL :- http://mahavat.gov.in
- At the home page, select dealer type as �Dealer� and enter valid user_id & password and press the �Submit� button.
- After successful login , click on the e-returns link available on home page.
- There is a option to browse the file that you intend to upload. You may manually enter the path & file name that you wish to upload or browse & select it. (Remember that you should upload the correct & validated return that you have downloaded from site which you have filled & saved.)
- After selecting the file to be uploaded , press the button �validate & upload�. The process of uploading starts & the system validates the template that is being uploaded. If the same is error free it is validated & uploaded. Please note that the system shall not upload the return if it is not validated.
- If uploading process detects errors or defects in return , then error sheet is generated showing details of fields in which errors are detected. This error sheet helps you to make necessary correction in the return file.
Note - Please note that the system shall not upload the return if it is not validated with in the excel template.
8. How to generate an Acknowledgment?
The following procedure to be adopted -
- Upon successfully validating & uploading of the form, an acknowledgment sheet will be generated. with a unique transaction id and transaction date .
- It shall contain some key fields that you have filled in your e-return.
- You can take a print out of the acknowledgment and retain it for future reference & record.
9. What is the method of tax payment for e-return?
Dealer filing e-return under MVAT Act will be required to make the payment in form 210 before filing the return and CST payment to be made in old return Form III (B).
10. What should be done if Department's site is not accessible?
Dealer is requested to call the HELPDESK at 022-23735601 and obtain confirmation from HELPDESKabout functionality of the site. The problem still persists at your end even after confirmation then the e- filer should check with his system.
11. What is my Password for the purpose of login & registration?
Your PAN is your password for the purpose of registration only. The process of New user Registration as specified in Step � I in the instruction sheet, should be followed. The password to be filled in the correct box, in order to avoid rejection by the system.
12. What should be done if PAN number is not accepted by the system?
a) The dealer shall obtain PAN from the in-charge officer of the LTU Branch, where such authority is not assigned, the PAN shall be obtained from HELP DESK.
b) In case the PAN does not match with the PAN available with the Department, the dealer shall use the PAN given by the Department. He shall also make an application for change of PAN to the in-charge officer of LTU Branch and in other case to the registration branch.
c) In case where the PAN submitted to the Department and the one used as password by the dealer, is same, then dealer is required to communicate or mail his complaint to the HELP DESK to reset the PAN (Password).
13. What is to be done if no PAN is on record?
This applies only to Government run Organizations / Institutions where the criteria of PAN does not apply, in such cases the e- filer should contact his officer concerned to obtain password for the purpose of e- registration, where there is no in-charge officer, he should contact HELP DESK.
14. What should be done if Acknowledgment is not received from the system?
This will not happen generally but where the e- filer is faced with such a situation, it means the return is not uploaded, the e-filer should once again repeat the uploading process.
15. What should be done if acknowledgement received twice with different transaction ID no.'s?
This means that the return has been uploaded twice. The return filed first will be considered as valid return.
16. What is to be done, if there is an Error messages?
There are different types of error messages flashed on screen.
a) error messages relating to ORA
(i) This relates to the number of characters filled in the space provided for writing the name of the Bank. Once the name of the Bank is shortened (characters are reduced ) the error disappears.
(ii) Challan number should be filled in only in numeric form and no alphanumeric form.
b) There are cases reported where the validation is correct and proper but at the time of uploading the same , the system flashes an error message. The dealer is requested to go through the Error sheet carefully and check the item wherein Error has been displayed and follow the instructions meticulously.
c) It is seen in some Error sheets as sent in by the dealers, for example in Form 231, the column of �Amount already paid� as appearing in Column 10 A (c) and 10 E should be filled by the dealer to avoid error messages. This being not done, leads to error. Likewise, in respect of all other forms also including CST form these details appearing in like fields should be filled up by the dealer.
17. What is to be done, if password is forgotten ?
One can use the "Forgot Password" link from the Home Pagefor this the user needs to input some of the data or information he hasinput at the time of registration to verify the authenticity of user tryingreset the password.
Monday, January 19, 2009
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